Representatives from the MODI consortium participated in the Transport Research Arena (TRA) in Dublin (Ireland). The theme for TRA2024 is “Transport Transitions: Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility. TRA is the largest European research and innovation conference on transport and mobility.
We are thrilled to announce that the MODI Project made some waves at TRA2024! Dr. Ragnhild Wahl, ITS Norway’s representative and MODI Project Coordinator, was the moderator for “Special Session 3.3: How can Large-scale Demonstration Accelerate CCAM Adoption in European Logistic Chains.” MODI was represented at the panel by Andreas Allstrom (Einride), Mats Rosenquits (Volvo), and Mads Skovsgaard Rasmussen (DFDS). The session delved into the ongoing CCAM (Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility) pilot projects focusing on Logistics. What’s next? Large-scale demonstrations, paving the way for real-life implementations of feasible CCAM use cases. Attendees had the opportunity to dissect lessons learned from CCAM industry players and relevant Research and Innovation projects. The focus was on achieving implementation cases beyond mere demonstration and research. Plus, a sneak peek into the future landscape of CCAM in logistics was on the agenda.
The MODI project was also showcased during various sessions at TRA 2024 and at the ALICE booth in the exhibition hall. Moreover, Petter Arnesen from SINTEF presented the outcomes from the test drive and data collection on connectivity across the Norwegian/Swedish border, drawing the audience’s attention.
Furthermore, MODI was represented in the third Interactive Symposium on Research & Innovation for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe (EUCAD Symposium 2024), which was held in conjunction with the TRA Conference. Complementary to the CCAM (sub-)theme of TRA 2024, the event aims to delve deeper into specific key topics and challenges for CCAM Research, Innovation, and testing in Europe and beyond.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to drive innovation and progress in the realm of CCAM!
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